Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful.
QURAN I 7:31

2. Eat less and share

Just because you are fasting doesn't mean you need to eat for two people once you break your fast. Ramadan is a good opportunity to lose weight and become Healthier inshallah.

food for two suffices three, and food for three suffices four
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

3. Be extra mindful of your behavior

Don't complain about how thirsty and hungry you are while fasting. Be kind to people and be a living example of the beauty of Islam.

"The best of you are those who have the best morals."
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

4. Keep Moving

Fasting can be physically exhausting, but try not to be completely passive. Take short walks, and change your workout routine to exercise after breaking your fast.

They say it takes 21 days to build new habits, so Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to start a new light exercise routine if you don't usually work out. And then gradually build on top of that after Ramadan.

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