Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to sleep on a mat made of palm fibers on a dirt floor. He had little to no furniture in his house. One day, Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb entered the house of the prophet and realized he was sleeping on the floor. He said to our beloved prophet "Ya Rasool Allah, The kings, the emperors and the rulers all over the world, they are not like you. You can have better than this". Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) dismissed him and said;
It is important to note that at this point in his life, prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the absolute ruler of Arabia. He had access to all the Bayt al-mal (بيت المال); (The money collected through taxes which belonged to the people). However, He didn't spend or use one penny of that money on himself or his family. This was the character of this man. Have you heard about or seen a man like him?
Prophet Muhammad exemplified this quote himself. He didn't amass any wealth during his lifetime. In fact, what little money he had, he repeatedly asked his wife Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) to give away as charity to the poor at the end of his life. He taught us that this life is not a permanent home for a believer. Rather, it is like a preparation stage to embark on the real journey we all have to undertake, eventually.
May Allah grant us the ability to walk in our beloved prophet's path.
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