There has been an increased focus on mental health in recent years. The acknowledgment that mental health harms the person who lives through it and society overall is an essential milestone for addressing the issue. Depression is one of the leading causes of disability globally, and Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-years-olds.

These figures should be a cause of alarm for all of us. Although mental health is increasingly being recognized as a disease, there is still a lot of stigma and guilt regarding individuals seeking help or treatment. Although many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at a relatively low cost, the gap between people needing care and those who can access it remains substantial. Society must invest on all fronts to address this gap and fight the stigma surrounding mental health.

How does Islam fit in this picture, how does Islam help ease anxiety and depression? We will take a deep dive into this article to try and answer these questions.

Those who have believed and whose hearts are comforted by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort and contentment.
Quran 13:28

Allah, as our creator, knows us better than we know ourselves, and he has offered cures for anxiety and depression in his book. The Quran confirms that the remembrance of Allah is a fundamental driver of comfort and contentment. When we remember Allah often and know that he is our protector and guide, naturally, anxiety and depression have to leave the equation.

Another way to look at this is to understand that most anxiety and depression are due to uncertainty, overthinking, and the fear of loss. When we remember Allah and accept his decree, this significantly impacts our mental health.

We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure - who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.”
Quran 2:155-156

Patience is a virtue mentioned in the Quran; Human beings tend to jump to conclusions and always imagine the worst-case scenario. This tendency to overthink everything is by design. In the old days, imagining the worst-case scenario and preparing for it meant we lived another day and didn't get eaten by wild animals.

However, in our modern-day lives with relative safety and comfort, overthinking and always imagining the worst-case scenario is directly correlated to the high levels of anxiety and depression most live with daily. Having the patience to live through our problems and remembering Allah, we realize that most of the time, the issues we exaggerated and amplified, weren't that bad after all when we look at them in our rear view mirror.

Some other verses from the Quran that help to put the hearts at ease. They don't need an explanation.

And seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, it is a burden except for the humble
Quran 2:45
When My servants ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me
Quran 2:186
Our Lord! In You we trust. And to You we ˹always˺ turn. And to You is the final return.
Quran 60:4
Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford
Quran 2:286
My Lord! Uplift my heart for me, and make my task easy
Quran 20:25-26
and I entrust my affairs to Allah. Surely Allah is All-Seeing of all ˹His˺ servants.
Quran 40:44
We never require of any soul more than what it can afford. And with Us is a record which speaks the truth. None will be wronged.
Quran 29:62

And Allah knows best, may He ease our worries, fears and anxieties and grant us peace. Ameen

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