Iman comes from the root word a-m-n, which means to be calm (in ones heart). Iman is usually translated in English as faith or belief. The belief that there is a creator who created everything that exists in this universe. The faith that we will be judged on the day of judgement for what we did in this life. However, according to the Quran, this faith should be based on reason and knowledge rather than being blind.
Allah gives a comprehensive and objective definition of Iman in the Qur’an:
Why is reason important in islam?
human beings are the only living organism in this universe that Allah has granted and blessed with reason. Our ability to think has allowed us to prosper and build a civilization that is unmatched. The importance of reason in life is evident in the Quran;
In fact, Allah goes further in describing human beings who do not use reason. It compares them to cattle, who are better in the sense that they are not heedless. The Quran uses very strong language in describing these people. This verse alone demonstrates the importance Allah has given to reason and its use as we go through life.
And most importantly, Allah instruct us not to accept any revelation blindly, even His own. The believers in the Quran are;
So as it can be concluded from the above, Islam places reason at the highest of ranks; And it argues with humanity to use theirs to understand the verses of its scriptures. It also re-emphasizes the importance of using reason in our every day lives. What is the difference between us and cattle? If not our ability to think, except our physical shapes.
Allah knows best.
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