At its very basic form, kindness is part of all living beings' DNA and not just human beings. We know that kindness exists even in the animal world. Babies recognize kindness even before they recognize spoken words. We all appreciate people who are kind to us and we normally despise the ones who are harsh towards us.
In some cases, kindness is considered better than charity
Charity is not always with good intentions. We might give charity because we have social pressure or because we feel guilty for not doing so. But kindness has to come from the heart. We can't be kind and have ill feelings for someone for example. Sometimes kindness touches someone's heart more profoundly than material goods or money.
Being kind to one's parents
It's important to note that even if Allah mentions not obeying our parents if they ask us to do something that goes against Islam or if they ask us to associate someone else with Allah (which is the highest sin in Islam). He has still commanded us to "keep their company in this world courteously".
Kindness toward orphans
Dawah without kindness is invalid
This one is common sense in our opinion. Our character, kindness and care should invite people over to Islam even before we engage in dawah. Prophet Muhammad was of the highest character and he was kind to even folks who were harsh towards him. The least we can do is try to mimic his character and kindness.
If you were invited to dinner and the food looked rotten, would you sit down and eat? Probably not. How can we expect our fellow human beings to get curious about the deen and accept it if our character, as ambassadors of Islam, is rotten.
One of the attributes of Allah is kindness
Allah's kindness towards us is boundless. Look around you, his kindness is evident everywhere. He has given us eyes to see our loved ones. He has given us the ability to walk upright in a gracious manner. He has given us ears to listen and a mouth to express ourselves. Above all, every single day, he protects us and provides for us.
May Allah grant all of us understanding and He knows best.
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